The cornerstone of our work each year for our members is providing a constant stream of quality professional development seminars and conferences.
Wether it is trying to answer that little detail that is holding you up from finishing that plan or the need for a specialist in an IH area, AIHA Saint Louis is here for you to help solve the problem.
Each year we are engaging the next generations of STEM focused people to aid in the occupational safety and health areas.
Register for events here: https://aihastlouis.eventbrite.com/
Want to stay in touch with us on a monthly basis? Rest assured we don't sell or share our email database and you can unsubscribe easily at any time.
Spring PDC - March 3rd, 2025
Want to be part of this exciting group of smart occupational safety and health professionals?
The team of tireless professionals keeping the plates spinning to help further Occupational Safety & Health
Have a need for someone in the occupational health and safety fields? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know and we will share it with our network!
Where you can get the great shirts you see around our St. Louis Section. http://aiha.qbstores.com
Current members use contact form to request a link to a past presentation.
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Founded in 1949, the St. Louis Local Section is composed of over 100 highly trained professionals who service the communities' environmental and occupational health needs. Most members are industrial hygienists employed by large corporations, universities, regulatory agencies, private consulting firms, and within companies that service, sell, and distribute occupational health / safety products.
The St. Louis Section is dedicated to jointly promoting the purpose of the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) as set forth in its Articles of Incorporation, within the geographical boundaries of Eastern Missouri and Southwestern Illinois.
Bayer - Crop Science
Bayer - Crop Science